Download Tutorial C Files H Files

C Files

Here are the list of the functions, or C Files.

FrameBuffers functions

Framebuffer are modifiable grids of pixels

  1. dg_framebuffer_create
  2. dg_framebuffer_destroy
  3. dg_framebuffer_update
  4. dg_set_thickness

Drawing functions

Drawing functions are used with framebuffer to display forms.

  1. dg_fb_putpx
  2. dg_fb_putline
  3. dg_fb_putsquare
  4. dg_fb_putrectangle
  5. dg_fb_putcircle

Window functions

Window functions are used to create functions and modify them.

  1. dg_play
  2. dg_init
  3. dg_loop
  4. dg_end

Animation functions

Animation functions are used to animate sprites.

  1. dg_spritesheet_create
  2. dg_spritesheet_free
  3. dg_spritesheet_to_sprite
  4. dg_animation_create
  5. dg_animation_free
  6. dg_animation_add
  7. dg_animation_update_sprite
  8. dg_animator_create
  9. dg_animator_free
  10. dg_animator_add
  11. dg_animator_update_sprite
  12. dg_animator_set_animation

Mathematical functions

Mathematical functions are used to do operations.

  1. dg_pow
  2. dg_fpow
  3. dg_factorial
  4. dg_get_radian
  5. dg_cos
  6. dg_sin
  7. dg_tan
  8. dg_arcsin
  9. dg_arccos

Array functions

Array functions are used to use dynamic lists.

ECS : structure

functions used to structure the ECS.

  1. dg_component_create
  2. dg_component_destroy
  3. dg_entity_create
  4. dg_entity_destroy
  5. dg_entity_add_component
  6. dg_entity_rm_component
  7. dg_entity_free_component
  8. dg_entity_has_component
  9. dg_entity_get_component
  10. dg_scene_create
  11. dg_scene_add_ent
  12. dg_scene_add_sys
  13. dg_scene_destroy
  14. dg_scene_update
  15. dg_get_entity
  16. dg_system_create
  17. dg_system_destroy
  18. dg_system_require

ECS : components

Precreated Components for the ECS.

  1. dg_cpt_animator
  2. dg_cpt_pos
  3. dg_cpt_sprite

ECS : Entities

Precreated entities for the ECS.

  1. dg_ent_camera

ECS : Systems

Precreated Systems for the ECS.

  1. dg_sys_animator
  2. dg_sys_animator