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main function

To use the libdragon, you'll need to create the dg_init, dg_loop and dg_end functions.
Use the dg_play function to create a new window.

#include "libdragon.h"

void *dg_init(dg_window_t *window)
    return 0;

int dg_loop(dg_window_t *w, void *var, sfTime dt)
    return 0;

void dg_end(void *var, int id)
    return 0;

int main(void)
    dg_play(1920, 1080, "LibDragon", 0);

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the grid framebuffer

The grid framebuffer has the window size and can be modified without the loop reseting it.
Go to the framebuffer_t page to know how to use them.

int dg_loop(dg_window_t *w, void *var, sfTime dt)
    sfVector2u vector = {20, 20};

    draw_square(w->fb, vector, 200, sfBlue);
    return 0;

the Animator

The animator is a struct of animation.
You can use it to generate animations and change the animations very easely!.
You just have to create spritesheets, create animations, set the animation and add the animations to the animation and give them a name!

static dg_animator_t *set_player_animator(void)
    dg_animator_t *animator = dg_animator_create();
    dg_spritesheet_t *ss = dg_spritesheet_create("res/bat.png", 32, 32);
    dg_animation_t *down = dg_animation_create(ss, 10);
    dg_animation_t *right = dg_animation_create(ss, 10);
    dg_animation_t *up = dg_animation_create(ss, 10);
    dg_animation_t *left = dg_animation_create(ss, 10);

    dg_animation_add(down, 0);
    dg_animation_add(down, 1);
    dg_animation_add(down, 2);
    dg_animation_add(down, 3);

    dg_animation_add(right, 4);
    dg_animation_add(right, 5);
    dg_animation_add(right, 6);
    dg_animation_add(right, 7);

    dg_animation_add(left, 12);
    dg_animation_add(left, 13);
    dg_animation_add(left, 14);
    dg_animation_add(left, 15);

    dg_animation_add(up, 8);
    dg_animation_add(up, 9);
    dg_animation_add(up, 10);
    dg_animation_add(up, 11);

    dg_animator_add(animator, "down", down);
    dg_animator_add(animator, "right", right);
    dg_animator_add(animator, "up", up);
    dg_animator_add(animator, "left", left);

    return animator;

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the ECS

The ECS is an architecture made of systems, entities, components and scenes.

Components : simples variables
Entities : group of components
Systems : functions that affect the components
Scene : a scene (ex : menu, game, ...)

typedef struct data {
    dg_scene_t *scene_game;
} data_t;

void *dg_init(dg_window_t *window)
    sfVector2f scale = {5, 5};
    data_t *v = malloc(sizeof(data_t));

    v->scene_game = dg_scene_create();
    dg_scene_add_ent(v->scene_game, entity_player_create());
    dg_scene_add_ent(v->scene_game, dg_ent_camera(0, 0));
    dg_scene_add_sys(v->scene_game, dg_system_create(&system_player_control));
    dg_scene_add_sys(v->scene_game, dg_system_create(&dg_sys_animator));
    dg_scene_add_sys(v->scene_game, dg_system_create(&dg_sys_render));
    return v;

int dg_loop(dg_window_t *w, void *var, sfTime dt)
    data_t *v = ((data_t *)(var));

    sfRenderWindow_clear(w->window, sfBlack);
    dg_scene_update(v->scene_game, w, dt);
    return 0;

void dg_end(void *var, int id)
    data_t *v = ((data_t *)(var));


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the Components

The component are just variables or structures.
You have to create a function to free it and one to create it.
You'll also have to name it.

static void component_destroy(void *data)
    sfVector2f *pos = (sfVector2f *)(data);


dg_component_t *dg_cpt_pos(int x, int y)
    void (*destroy)(void *) = &component_destroy;
    sfVector2f *pos = 0;
    dg_component_t *component = 0;

    pos = malloc(sizeof(sfVector2f));
    pos->x = x;
    pos->y = y;
    component = dg_component_create("pos", pos, destroy);
    return component;

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the Entities

The entities are group of Components.
You have to add the components it contains and name it

dg_entity_t *dg_ent_camera(int x, int y)
    dg_entity_t *entity = dg_entity_create("camera");

    dg_entity_add_component(entity, dg_cpt_pos(x, y));
    return entity;

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the Systems

The Systems are functions that interact with the components.
It can render a sprite, move an object, change a text, ...
Use the "dg_system_require" function to impact only the entities with the good components!

void dg_sys_animator(dg_entity_t *entity, dg_window_t *w,
dg_array_t **entities, sfTime dt)
    dg_animator_t *animator = (dg_animator_t *)
    (dg_entity_get_component(entity, "animator"));
    sfSprite *sprite = (sfSprite *)(dg_entity_get_component(entity, "sprite"));

    if (!dg_system_require(entity, 2, "animator", "sprite"))
    dg_animator_update_sprite(animator, sprite, dt.microseconds);

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the Scene

The Scenes are parts of the game.
They contains all the entities and systems.
They can be menu or game_scene
You'll need to add all the entities and system as below.

dg_scene_t *scene_game_create(char *filepath)
    dg_scene_t *scene_game = dg_scene_create("game");

    dg_scene_add_ent(scene_game, entity_parallax_create());
    dg_scene_add_ent(scene_game, entity_camera_create());
    load_map(scene_game, filepath);
    dg_scene_add_ent(scene_game, entity_player_create());
    dg_scene_add_ent(scene_game, entity_music_create("res/ost.ogg"));
    dg_scene_add_sys(scene_game, dg_system_create(&system_parallax));
    dg_scene_add_sys(scene_game, dg_system_create(&system_player_control));
    dg_scene_add_sys(scene_game, dg_system_create(&system_player_animator));
    dg_scene_add_sys(scene_game, dg_system_create(&system_camera_sp_render));
    dg_scene_add_sys(scene_game, dg_system_create(&system_hud_sp_render));
    dg_scene_add_sys(scene_game, dg_system_create(&system_display_text));
    return scene_game;

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libdragon is an overlay of CSFML and every functions of CSFML can be used with libdragon.
Moreover you don't need to include CSFML in your c file, libdragon.h already do it, but you need to compile with CSFML.
Go to the compile page to get more information.